Institut pasteur de Dakar

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Get vaccinated to protect against disease

Vaccine   Price (CFA F)
Yellow fever   6500
Hepatitis B vaccine for adults   11000
Hepatitis B vaccine Child   11000
Meningococcal vaccine   
Typhoid vaccine   12000
BCG   3500
IDRt   3500
Tetanus vaccine   2500


Vaccination schedule

All ages combined, vaccination provides protection against diseases such as yellow fever, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough or even measles or tetanus among others.

The vaccination calendar allows you to know where you are with your vaccinations and to update you if necessary.

Age Vaccines
From birth  


Genhevac B: 1st dose

6 to 8 weeks 

 Tetracoq: 1st dose

 Act-HIB: 1st dose 

Or Pentacoq

10 to 12 weeks 

Tetracoq: 2nd dose 

Act-HIB: 2nd dose 

Or Pentacoq

Genhevac: 2nd dose

14 to 16 weeks 

Tetracoq: 3rd dose

Act-HIb: 3rd dose 

Or pentacoq

9 months 

Yellow Fever

Genhevac: 3rd dose

12 to 15 months ROR
16 to 18 months 

Tetracoq: 1st booster 

Act-HIB: booster 

Or pentacoq: booster

24 months 

Meningococcal A+ C Vaccine 

Typhim Vi

5 years 

DT Polio: 2nd booster 

Typhim Vi: every 3 years 

Meningococcal vaccine: every 3 years 

Tuberculin test, if negative: BCG 

Genhevac B

10 to 11 years 

DT Polio: 3rd booster 

Yellow fever: every 10 years 

Imovax Mumps for non-immune boys

Rudivax for all girls 

Genhevac B

16 to 21 years 

DT polio: 4th reminder

Tuberculin test, if negative: BCG 

Genhevac B 


 DT Polio: every 10 years

Other benefits:

  • Pre-vaccination consultation and post-vaccination follow-up
  • Update vaccination records
  • Making a duplicate in case of loss of the vaccination record
  • Mass vaccination within the structure (company, school ...) with the possibility of moving our teams.

Price of other services:

  • Duplicate: 3000 F CFA
  • Certificate of contraindication: 5000 F CFA